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Develotek is an Australian property development and investment group specialising in the design and development of apartment living throughout Sydney. For many years our team have specialised in consolidating property and applying our design expertise to create pleasant and enjoyable living experiences. Designing to encourage social interaction in our communal spaces and creating healthy living experiences for residents and families as they evolve contributes to the idea that a great place makes people proud and a desire to be part of community.


Marchese Partners

Marchese Partners are a leading Australian-based architecture practice, responsible for the masterplan of Granville Place. Established in 1995, Marchese Partners continue to be recognized as leaders in the design and delivery of innovative large-scale urban developments in Australia, New Zealand, Britain, the USA and China. As one of the only full service architecture and engineering firms in Australia, Marchese Partners focuses on delivering excellence in design, innovation and environmental sustainability.
